Our DEAN'S List
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
In an effort to recognize the leadership and dedication of the most outstanding secondary school students in FIRST®, the Kamen family sponsors awards for selected 10th or 11th grade* students known as the FIRST® Robotics Competition Dean’s List Award.
FIRST Dean’s List Award Semi-finalists – comprised of the two (2) students in their 10th or 11th school year* nominated by their team.
FIRST Dean’s List Finalists - Students selected from other FIRST Dean’s List Award Semi-finalists at a Regional.
FIRST Dean’s List Winners - comprised of the ten (10) FIRST Robotics Competition FIRST Dean’s List Finalists.
The students who earn FIRST Dean’s List status as either a Semi-finalist, Finalist or Winner, are great examples of student leaders who have led their teams and communities to increased awareness for FIRST and its mission. It is the goal of FIRST that these individuals will continue, post-award, as great leaders, student alumni, and advocates of FIRST. Here are the teams past winners: