When and where does the team meet?
From May to December the team meets on Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:oopm to 8:00pm OCHS room 345 of the NGC. During build and competition season January through April we meet Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday with extended hours.
Do I/Does my student need to be at every meeting?
No student is required to be at every meeting, and we feel that school work, family and mental health come before robotics. That said, we do track hours and productivity and they are important if a student wants to be guaranteed a travel spot. It is very important students check in with their sub team leaders if they are going to be late or miss a work night.
What does robotics cost Students?
The team is always aggressively seeking sponsorships and engaging in fundraising projects. A normal $125 season fee covers the team uniform shirts and hot lunches on Saturdays during build season. This fee is due 10/31 so we can have shirts by kick off. Travel is an additional cost per trip, and we try to subsidize them as much as we can. Should cost ever be a burden for a family please let us know and we will work together to remove this barrier.
How to I stay up to date with everything that is going on?
The teams primary mode of communication is SLACK. SLACK is an app that allows instant communication to all or some team members. We feel it is important for all student, mentors and parents to be past of this. A link to our SLACK can be found in the RESOURCES tab of this website.
What are meeting like?
Every Monday and Saturday meeting starts with a team informational meeting. Pledge of Allegiance, Team Core Values, Safety Briefing and reading of the agenda, (found in advance on SLACK). Then we break up and get to work. 15 Min before the meeting is over we clean up and have a debrief. Every meeting and work shift is open to parents.