As we rapidly approach the start of the 2022/23 school year the Oak Creek High School STEM club has a lot going on. In the spring our business students embarked on a mission to update the club’s brand. Step one of this journey is our new student designed logo. This design encapsulates the true mission of our club. A place for students to come together in an inclusive environment to share their interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The students in this club are always moving! One day they might be updating our website, producing high quality video presentations for our sponsors, or working on our farming robot. The next day they can be inspiring younger students in the district by introducing them to coding. They could be earning a certification in advanced industrial automation or building a FIRST competition robot and traveling to Houston Texas for the World Championships. There is something for everyone in this club and we look forward to the upcoming season. Students are invited come check out our club at the High School Open House in September 8th from 5:30 to 7:30pm.